My FutureLearn Experience

What it is All About?

  • FutureLearn is a digital education platform founded in December 2012. 
  • massive open online course (MOOC) learning platform
  • Offers a diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world. 
  • Courses are delivered one step at a time, and are accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop, so you can fit learning around your life.
  • “Open” for everyone and facilitates the delivery of 100% online courses. 

I would definitely say 'Yes' to this MOOC learning platform. I have joined a five weeks course on 'Blended Learning' offered by University of Leeds. This was my first experience in undergoing an online course. Thanks to Madam Malini who introduced this platform to us. I was truly benefited from this course. Before this, I was unaware of what is Blended Learning. I have not even came across this term before.

My Journey in Blended Learning Online Course

I have joined this course for five weeks and I really enjoyed and benefited from this course. Upon completing week 1, I was still having a doubt on its application in classroom. I was looking forward to learn more. In the following weeks, I got to know about social constructivist approach. The implementation of this approach in blended learning can foster learner independence, creative thinking and social interaction. I also got to know about iObserve tool. The tutors has described on how they have used digital technologies such as Nearpod, e-learning packages and Google classroom to enhance their teaching. Apart from that, I have even received more input by reading the comments post by other course participants.

In week three I got to know about Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), open tools and Open Educational Resources.  I have even watched a video on how to use Prezi in teaching.I found it to be more engaging than the traditional Powerpoint presentation. In the forth week, I learned about DADDIE model, assessment tools and examples of successful flipped pedagogies in practice.  

I have watched all the videos, participated in the online discussion with course participants from different countries, read the notes provided as well as undergone a test. The test was the part that I was anxious about. However, I am proud to say that I managed to do it well and even received a certificate. 

Benefits that I Gained

The five weeks course on Blended Learning has broadened my knowledge on what it is all about and how it can be applied. Sharing ideas and information with the other course participants has enhanced my knowledge on Blended Learning as well. I have even attempted to answer the quiz which has helped to further my understanding in this topic.   
I was interested to undergo this course because it was accessible at anytime and anywhere. I have logged into this course using my laptop and also my mobile phone. On top of that, I could even follow up this course when I was travelling or in the midst of working hour at school. That was pretty awesome as there was no fixed time to log into this course. Being a teacher in this 21st century, I found that all the contents of this course was crucial to equip myself with the knowledge necessary to conduct a blended learning in classroom. The content delivered in each week was well organised.

Weaknesses that I Discovered

However, I faced some difficulties to access the video in the platform due to poor Internet connection. Accessing this course requires good Internet connection. So, as a course participant, we have to be aware of this and make sure the connection is strong enough to avoid any interruption. 
There is always a room for improvisation to make things work better. As for this course, the tutors could add more short quizzes to facilitate the learners' understanding. 

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